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newAD2 - optical characterization software

Dispersion models in newAD2 are represented by complex dielectric tensor, generally dependent on the light frequency (or equivalently wavelength, wavenumber or energy), temperature and other implemented variables. Most of the dispersion models are, however, implemented simply as dielectric function dependent only on the light frequency. The dielectric function is then multiplied by unit tensor, representing isotropic environment.

Dispersion models implemented in newAD2 can be separated into five categories:


Dispersion models are listed in media section:

  id = modelname[:attributes]


  a = Vacuum
  f = Universal
  s = c-Si:C:O
This defines three media. Medium a is defined as dispersion model Vacuum which is trivial dispersion model represented by unit tensor. Second medium f (film) is defined with universal dispersion model and third medium s is defined with advanced dispersion model of high resistance intrinsic crystalline silicon with carbon and oxygen admixtures (Czochralski silicon). Note that arbitrary string can be used as media identifier. Foregoing definition generate the following parameters:

newAD2> par
Nvcf = 500        fixed (0,inf) eV2
 Egf = 6          fixed (0,15) eV
 Ehf = 20         fixed (Egf,70) eV
 fOs = 0          fixed [0,1000) ppm
fOps = 0          fixed [0,100] %
 fCs = 0          fixed [0,1000) ppm