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newAD2 - optical characterization software

Broadened polynominal function


Unbroadened imaginary part of complex dielectric function is described by polynomial function of \(K\) order in the spectral region from \(E_{\rm l}\) to \(E_{\rm u}\) : $$ \begin{array}{lcl} \displaystyle \varepsilon_{\rm i}(E) = N \sum_{n=0}^{K} A_n \left( \frac{E}{E_{\rm u}+E_{\rm l}} \right)^n & \mbox{for} & E_{\rm u} > E > E_{\rm l} \\ \varepsilon_{\rm i}(E) = 0 & \mbox{for} & E \le E_{\rm l} \quad \mbox{or} \quad E \ge E_{\rm u} \end{array} $$ where \(N\) is transition strength parameter. \(A_1, A_2,\dots\) are parameters detrminig shape of the polynominal function (\(A_0\) is not free parameter). Parameter \(A_0\) is chose that the following sum rule integral is valid $$ \int_0^\infty E \varepsilon_{\rm i}(E) \, {\rm d}E = N . $$



  f = Poly:2
newAD2> par
 Nf = 0          fixed [0,inf) eV2
Elf = 1          fixed (0,inf) eV
Euf = 2          fixed (Elf,inf) eV
 Bf = 1          fixed (0,inf) eV
A1f = 0          fixed (-inf,inf) eV-2
A2f = 0          fixed (-inf,inf) eV-2