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newAD2 - optical characterization software

Contrary to dispersion parameters and some other parameters which are autogenerated, structural parameters are defined in the structural parameters section:

structural parameters:
id [= value] : nice_id : range [unit]

where id is ASCI parameter identifier, which can be used to refer to it. Its starting value value can be specified optionally (it is set to 0 otherwise, or its older value is used if the parameter was defined previously). The graphical user interface (GUI) identificator is defined between the ":" characters. It also contains info about the tree structure which is used to order parameters in the GUI. The different tree levels are separated by "|" character, and the highest level Structural is prepended, eg. the full name is "Structural|nice_id". This definition can contain spaces, UTF8 characters or html tags. However, spaces around the definition will be ignored. The allowed range for the parameter values is defined after GUI indetificator, together with optional physical unit. Unlimited upper and/or lower boundary can be specified with (-inf and/or inf) values. Other parameter identifiers can be also used in the boundary specification even before their own definition. We note that the physical unit has no significance for the parameter value and serves only in the GUI to identify parameters that can be tied.


structural parameters:
  ds = 0.56    :  d<sub>s</sub>           : (0,1) mm
  df1 = 100    :  sample 1|d<sub>f</sub>  : [0,df2] nm
  df2 = 100    :  sample 2|d<sub>f</sub>  : [df1,2000] nm
  sigma#       :  sample #|σ              : (0,inf) nm
  tau# = 20    :  sample #|τ              : (1,10000) nm

When newAD2 is in multisample mode with two samples, this defenition will generate seven structural parameters. Generated parameters can be show using the command parameters:

newAD2> par
    ds = 0.56       fixed (0,1) mm
   df1 = 100        fixed [0,df2] nm
   df2 = 100        fixed [df1,2000] nm
sigma1 = 0          fixed (0,inf) nm
sigma2 = 0          fixed (0,inf) nm
  tau1 = 20         fixed (1,10000) nm
  tau2 = 20         fixed (1,10000) nm

Parameters generated insede the GUI have the following tree structure: